Tuesday, June 26, 2012

University of Phoenix Still a Complaint Magnet

Online education doesn't always live up to consumers' expectations

By Daryl Nelson, ConsumerAffairs.com

College is a lot of fun. Whether one goes away to a campus or commutes to a local college -- the partying, the learning, and the socializing can all be life-changing experiences.

But not everyone can go to college right after high school, as we all know that life has an interesting way of temporarily knocking you off your planned path. Thankfully, getting a degree online these days is as easy and accessible as downloading a song.

The University of Phoenix is generally regarded as standing at the top of this particular area of higher education. It advertises heavily and markets itself as the primary go-to for those who need a more flexible college schedule.

But, like everything else in life, it doesn't always work out just the way consumers expect.

Read the entire article here.

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