Friday, July 31, 2009

Lawsuit Seeks Warning Labels for Hot Dogs

Dangers of processed meat cited in class-action suit

By Jon Hood,
Many modern-day baseball stadiums prohibit smoking, but cancerous danger apparently still lurks around the corner: an anti-meat consumer group alleges in a class-action that hot dogs pose serious health risks and need to carry warning labels.

The lawsuit was filed by The Cancer Project in Essex County, New Jersey on Wednesday. Among the named defendants are Nathan's Famous, the well-known hot dog chain; Kraft Foods, which manufactures Oscar Mayer wieners; Sara Lee; ConAgra, which makes Hebrew National franks; and Marathon, manufacturer of Sabrett, “the frankfurter New Yorker's [sic] relish.”

The plaintiffs envision a warning label similar to the one currently on cigarette packages. The wording would look something like: “Warning: Consuming hot dogs and other processed meats increases the risk of cancer.”


~Sandy G.


Tina said...

you know i always tend to wonder about the process meats. i think what goes in there as well as the meat!?

SANDY G. said...

I know what you mean! I try not to think about that or I'd never eat a thing! Lol

Robynn's Ravings said...

Hey Sandy - Thanks for following me on Twitter. Not sure if you read my blog and if that's how you found me but if not you can find me at Course, you can track me back to!

I REALLY appreciate this kind of info and your quick sound bites. Keeps me from hunting through all the latest. This is just a GREAT service! Adding you to my favorites bar, too.

SANDY G. said...

Hi Robynn. Your site is great, so I was happy to! Just to let you know, I added your blog button to my sites as well. That way anyone that happens by can enjoy your site too!

Thank you as well for adding my link. I'm very glad you like my blog.

I hope you have a terrific weekend!